Nokia SMS
Received following funny SMS on NOKIA cellphone. Enjoy!
Who is great? It's u
Who is smart? It's u
Who is sweetest? It's u
Who is jolly? It's u
Who is lying? Of course, it's me.
6 facts on Earth
1st fact : U can't touch all ur teeth with ur tongue.
2nd fact : After reading this , all fools will try it.
3rd fact : Now u will smiles Bcoz u have become a fool.
4th fact : Now u want 2 fool ur friends.
5th fact : Now u forward it 2 all fools.
6th fact : Fact 1 is false.
Dying man asks his wife.Our 4th son always looked different from the other 3 , did he have a different father ?
Wife : yes .
Man : Whose it ?Wife : Yours
Truth of life : "Mother's tears hit your heart and Wife's tears hit your pocket."
Short funny SMS jokes
Enjoy six short funny SMS jokes
Man : "I want to find out if I have the grounds for a divorce."
Lawyer: "Are you married?"
Man: "Why , yes, if course."
Lawyer " "Then you have grounds"
Never trust a man who says he's the boss at home.He probably lies about other things too.
The world's thinnest book has only oneword written in it 'everything' and the book is titled:"What women want!"
There are two times a man doesn't understand a woman,before marriage and after marriage!
Why did you hit your husband with chair?
"I couldn't lift the table"
"You looked troubled" I told my friend , "what's your problem?"
He replied,"I'm going to be a father." "But that's wonderful",I said.
"What's wonderful? my wife doesn't know about it."
Short funny adult SMS jokes
Enjoy 3 funny SMS jokes
Mother asks daughter "How is married life"
Daughter says with shyness "Like the advt. of British Airways"
Mother reads the advt. and shocked : 7 days a week , twice a day , both ways.
Ticket checker fined ticketless girls.Jeans girl is fined Rs.100.Midi girl is Rs.50
Half skirt girl Rs.25.Next girl was fined Rs.0. Why ? Think positive .She had a ticket.
What is difference between
1.Girl friend
4. Stepney
It is simple
3.Post paid
4. Coinbooth
SMS jokes
Enjoy following 4 funny SMS Jokes.
What is the similarity between BRA and BAR ?
Ans : Both are the places where men go crazy when they are open.
Thank you for ur support last year.
With ur help we have achieved good sales.
Pleased with ur kind support
"M.D.Beverages Corporation"
2day's forecast says there'll be heavy rain in ur area.Pls don't miss the chance ..........take a bath.
Father : What were the 2 hardest things u learned in college?
Son : Opening beer bottles with teeth and lighting cigarettes with only one match left in heavy wind.
SMS jokes
Enjoy four SMS jokes , you may send it to your friends
Which is the sweetest part of the body?It's oval in shape,it's surrounded by hair,salt water comes from it.Don't be silly : it's 'Beautiful Eyes'
Whenever I want Ur presence I read Ur SMS....whenever I want to see u,I close eyes,whenever I want to hear ur voice, I throw a stone at a dog.
Do u remember that day .When we had gone out in a car.I put my dog out & u put ur face out;people shouted "Twins..Twins"..Sweet memories na...?
Pls send ur Biodata & photo 2 Hutch..
U'll get a gud package + A chance 2 come on T.V. So apply soon.Bcoz Hutch's Dog died.They want a monkey.
Divorced couple arguing for son's custody.
Wife : I gave him birth so he is mine.
Husband : If I put a coin in a pepsi machine & pepsi comes , is it mine or the machines?
Life is like a vehicle. Husband and wife r 2 tyres of the vehicle.If 1 punctures,the vehicle will not move.So brilliant people keep a stepney.
Only 10% girls play games like tennis,football,caroms , cricket, etc because 90% girls play with boy's life.So be careful.
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